A Hebocon is "the robot battle for the technically unskilled" as Romedius Weiss once said. Romedius is a nice guy who introduced the concept to Europe, also bringing it to Austria. Invented 2014 by Daiju Ishikawa in Japan, the word"heboi" means something like poor or trashy and thats what makes Hebocons great. Everybody can participate, no need to be an mechanical ingeneer or programmer. Quite the opposite - if a robot is too professionally built it can even get penalty points. It's all about creativity, curiosity, tinkering and fun.
The only rules are: the robot has to move autonomously and must be lighter than 1 kg.
The event took place during the wonderful Schmiede 2015 where I supported the crews with hardware, design & technical advise together with many other lovely people from Tinkerlab.
The battles take place as in classic sumo style hosted by two (pretty drunk) referees. The bot that's still in the ring after 1 minute (or moved the most if both are to crappy to attack) wins most of the time - except if it's too funny to loose and the audience votes otherwise. It's anyway good entertainment with much laughter, stupid war paint and lots of beer.
A short summary of all fights of the Hebocon at schmiede. Idea by Romedius Weiss, support by tinkerlab
Video by millifamilli